Saturday, November 27, 2010

What do Women REALLY want!!! – 3

“…And every time you questioned me,
To you my silence seemed a yes,
So without even asking me twice
You thought it to be a mess…
I wanted you to believe me,
I wanted to say it all,
But perhaps words wouldn't be enough,
So I’ll gladly take the fall!”

Back again on exploring the ‘unsaid’ and ‘unheard’ of that BEAUTIFUL woman in your life. I promised for another one, so here we go…

Someone recently said to me, “There are girls, and then there are GIRLS”. But the bottom line, there is just a ‘GIRL’ who wants the simplest things in life – love, trust, respect, and understanding; like I always say! Ya, the magnitude of all other materialistic morals could vary, but at the end of the day, she wants to be HEARD and BELIEVED for what she puts across.

Men, as I know of this species, are the most insecure objects of affection on the earth; totally capable of falling in love, but not knowing what to do with it once they have it. Their insecurities, I do not blame! With the most beautiful of women in their life, the fear of losing it to the unknown does creep in. But they need to understand that if she says - she’s here forever, she’s not going anywhere; she really ISN’T!!! In giving her a chance to be HERSELF, you will have her for a lifetime. The problem with men is that they want to own her, but baby! If she’s emotionally into you, you do have her; because for her, you are the one who romanced and stimulated her mind than just the sheets!

You say things and you forget them, but long after you are gone, they still bang hard in her head. For her, if you said it, you meant it! Never tell her things you don’t intend to mean. She wouldn’t let you know when it hurts, she wouldn't ever hurt you back; but when she’s alone, she’ll think, and think, and think… and wish if you believed her, once!

Rule no. 3 TRUST her for once in life, without doubts, without second thoughts, and MEAN IT. Saying “I trust you” and finding another meaning to everything she does is not the game. After all, she must have been a very strong woman to know that she’s giving you all the options to ruin her, but having the FAITH that you wouldn’t!

So, till you make that smile on her face a lil wider, here’s a note of faith from a woman – you’re an amazing guy for sure, and you would DEFINITELY understand her and be there for her, just don’t doubt her intentions always. Be the LOVE she wants in her life…

The Agony of being ASSUMED

“When you look at her with the eye of a hawk,
And you tear her pieces apart,
She never complaints, she never pounces back,
‘Coz you’ve already worn out of her heart…”

The problem with us, humans, is that the moment we see a mortal (usually better-off than us), we start dissecting them and the surgical analysis happens then and there. The best and the most common inference in my notice – “Aah! She’s such a BITCH!”

We’re so quick at reaching conclusions, and even quicker at labeling them. But few of us feel the need to look beyond the physical appearances and materialistic projections. We look at a person and decide what he/she should be, and ALL of us do that! Period!

I say it not because I do not belong to the ‘surgical’ clan, but because I’ve been the object of such operations, a lot many times! I’ve had days when I walk into a roomful of people and the first thing that they believe is “hellova attitude in the chic”, which ofcourse, is quite averse to the actual idea. So with a set of pre-assumptions, they whisper and talk among themselves, criticizing, analyzing… from head to toe, wondering what makes me like ‘this’; followed by a few appreciations as well. The good thing about me is that I hardly care to let those voices trespass my entity. I turn deaf and mute the picture. But when I walk out of the room, the least of 80% people stand up in admiration! (I’m not self-praising, but there’s a more grave point that I want to make, read ahead!)

The point to take back home is that if you see the adversity in being labeled you ruin yourself; but it is the advantage to look for, that can make you walk out with utmost pride. When you say ‘I don’t care’, you really shouldn’t! They key is to get numb. And when trivial talks don’t matter, you would feel the ‘agony’ has gone long ‘ago’ and what’s left with you are the remains of a comfortably numb yet strongly sensitive being, whose seen it all…

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Beauty of being REAL…

“I could hear you in the silence; I could see you in the dark,
To walk another mile with you, I wished to be stark,
To be the ‘real’ me, without the malice and lies,
Till the road bent an easier turn for you, or your will to be with me dies!”

To begin with, I know the baby remained unattended for a very very long time, but in search of seeking ‘what I want’; I found out, WRITING and ME, inseparable variables! So here I am, travelling back and forth through the time, only to realize that for me, the canvas to words is irresistible, and if it has to be passion, it has to be this!

Over this whole span of good three months, life treated me in the weirdest possible ways. The sugar went sour, the dry absorbed moisture, the obvious became incomprehensible and the unsaid roared out loud. Without getting into the details of the tale, the long and short of it came to me like this - there’s nothing more beautiful than being YOURSELF! Don’t worry, it’s not another self-help pep talk, rather it’s the extract from those who walked in and walked out of my life, and a few who decided to walk along…

Life has come a long way, and people still seem the pivotal fascination. Breaking the human psyche code though has taken a backseat, yet the inquisitiveness on pretence crops up now and often. For a very long time, I wondered why people around us pretend, why can’t they just be themselves, who they are, how they are… till I realized that the way I seek beauty in the reality of being real, a few of our clan find the same beauty in pretence. And all of a sudden, the fog of biasness evaporated. I know I might be sounding too cluttered, but the irony of life hit me hard. When I thought myself to be sinful, I found myself among saints; and the moment the serenity of pureness settled in, the world seemed like a graveyard of preserved corpse.

I realized that though it’s important to conceal, the challenge to be naturally intact with your basic nature is the need. So, no matter how many bright stars you have around you, no matter how many name you as the moon, no matter how many see you as the only light up there; you have to keep reminding yourself that shining is only the reflective action of the pure. Every morning, you will have to retire to the same blue sky with the pretence of nature to be calm; the rage of seas and the tide of the reality would be the privilege of the dark.